Thursday, September 24, 2009

To the reader,

The man who was writing this blog and carrying around this blue blanket is dead. He was beaten to death by a somewhat striking and hard bodied Australian man who was shouting;

" No Leopold, no, you can not have this blue blanket, you must return it to Jessica, her legs will be cold and her hands will freeze, no you bastard give to me, once I have wrested it from your calculating hands I will return it to her via registered post." ,

when this man seemingly from Djubuti refused to give him the blue blanket, I intervened; throwing this Australian fean from this simple Djubuti's man lifeless body, all the while screaming at him;

"away you striking man, back to your amazing holiday".

Fleeing away into a misty and musty night, the Australian man left the scene, leaving nothing but a scent, a scent that forever is etched into my mind.

Picking myself and the blue balnket from the ground I decided there and then I would continue the work of this man, this man who wore a red superman outfit.

and now, in a new vain, the blog continues...


This is my first attempt at "blogging" , I hope you like what you see. This is also my chance to finally be published in a world which is so represive to spectacular writers like me.
Any way, I am different to Leopold, but I hope to keep his memory and be a little more entertaining.

Wondering aimlessly around Rome, the blue blanket discovered an ancient monument;

"My oh my" expounded the blue blanket,

"this surely must be reported to the relevant authorities" ,

attempting to inform a nearby archaeologist of its discovery the blue blanket was acosted by an Australian man wearing nothing but a helmet, a skirt, a cheastplate and an unwieldy sword.

"No one shall know of what you have found blue blanket, this is my place of my reconing, this is where I became Hollywood!"

Knowing that it could not defeat an angry Australian actor who takes peoples houses and dosen't move out of them when it is time, the blanket decided to move on.

Wanting to visit the Medichi, the blue blanket excaped its captors and was found loitering upon the Michalengelo Plaza. Fearing sevre repisal, the blue blanket attempted to leap to its death. Knowing that the aforementioned blue blanket was about to kill itself I grabbed it before it could carry out its grizzly task.


I think this blue blanket is a bit of an emmo. Seriously if the blue blanket wanted to end it all it would use one of the ever present lighter's which are freely available in Italy instead of gently falling, which would in fact do no harm to it what so ever.

... and then I took the blanket to Venice and I said in a velvet voice;

"May I romance the blue out of you?"

The blanket replied;


And I, in anticpantation of an explosion of romance sighed, and together we walked the canals of Venice.

Monday, September 14, 2009

King: Verily I say unto you my son ,

NO blue blankets shall entire thine castle

Prince: Thou desire great father is mine to obey

Blanket: Come bug friend , let us depart to the land of women, wine, stupid mimes and silly looking berret's.

Here is the blanket attempting to bath in the glory of a country that hasn't won a war in 200 years, nor one that has a normal keyboard layout
Hi Jessica, its me Leopold

Listen I know you miss your blanket but I asure you it is having a much better time with me than it does on your lap? . Here is a photo of the blanket about to got to the Efiel tower at sunset